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Proxmox: virtualization solution

Proxmox: Une solution de virtualisation

Discover Proxmox: A cost-effective, reliable virtualization solution for your web project At DATAenligne, we understand that organizations are looking for robust, reliable infrastructure solutions to power their web projects. That’s why we’ve developed cutting-edge expertise in Proxmox tools and technologies. This virtualization solution is a reliable alternative to current products, but at really affordable costs. […]

What is web hosting?

Qu'est-ce que l'hébergement web? Distinguez le partagé ou le mutualisé, le VPS, le dédié ou l'hébergement WordPress. Découvrez DATAenligne.

What is web hosting? Entering the digital world can be a daunting task for organizations and creators wishing to make their presence felt on the Web. At the heart of this adventure, web hosting proves to be a fundamental pillar, essential to the realization of their digital journey. This article is intended as an exploration […]

How hard is it to manage a VPS?

Difficultés gestion VPS

How hard is it to manage a VPS? Digital technologies are changing and evolving faster and faster. This enhances the possibilities of Web Hosting. Choosing the right Virtual private server (VPS) can be a challenging or intimidating adventure. Why would you want to embark on this technological journey on your own or with someone else? […]

The DNS Zone: what is it?

Qu'est-ce que la Zone DNS

The DNS Zone: what is it? What is a DNS zone? What is it for? How do I get there? And why? These are good questions that deserve simple answers. There’s nothing like a definition to help you understand. The acronym DNS stands for “Domain Name System”, which essentially represents the record fields in a […]

VPN vs. VPS: What’s the difference?

VPS vs VPN DATAenligne

VPN vs. VPS: What’s the difference? Optimize your efficiency and maximize your power in this digital world: understand the difference between a VPS and a VPN. In an ever-changing technological landscape where data management, privacy and online security are at the forefront, it’s essential to understand the fundamental distinctions between two commonly used acronyms. VPN […]

What is a Virtual Private Server (VPS)?

VPS géré DATAenligne Managed VPS

What is a Virtual Private Server (VPS)? The power of a Virtual Private Server (VPS) combined with cloud management services: an essential digital strategy In a constantly evolving technological context, organizations must rapidly adapt their ways of doing things to respond effectively to customer demands in an ultra-competitive digital marketplace. One of the most powerful […]

Interview with Elie

Interview with Elie I had the pleasure of conducting an initial interview with Elie Geha, digital growth expert at ATM Promo. In a recent interview between an SEO expert and a web hosting expert, we’d like to share our insights and expertise to help you get started on your digital journey. This discussion highlights the […]

Hosts file: what does it stand for?

le fichier hostfile

Hosts file: what does it stand for? The Hosts file has the function of indicating to your computer the path to follow to reach an IP address or a domain name of a website. Hosts file: what does it stand for? By default, the Hosts file will tell your browser to display the content of […]

Interview with Stéphane

Interviews Dataenligne et Stéphane

My trusted team: interview with Stéphane about his experience with DATAenligne since moving his website.