Why outsource your web services
Why should you outsource your web infrastructure and cloud management services to DATAenligne? Here’s how we turn your challenges into successes! In a world where skilled information technology (IT) resources are becoming increasingly scarce, and salaries added to expenses are higher and higher, how can you really afford to deploy, manage and maintain an economically […]
What is web hosting?
What is web hosting? Entering the digital world can be a daunting task for organizations and creators wishing to make their presence felt on the Web. At the heart of this adventure, web hosting proves to be a fundamental pillar, essential to the realization of their digital journey. This article is intended as an exploration […]
How hard is it to manage a VPS?
How hard is it to manage a VPS? Digital technologies are changing and evolving faster and faster. This enhances the possibilities of Web Hosting. Choosing the right Virtual private server (VPS) can be a challenging or intimidating adventure. Why would you want to embark on this technological journey on your own or with someone else? […]
The DNS Zone: what is it?
The DNS Zone: what is it? What is a DNS zone? What is it for? How do I get there? And why? These are good questions that deserve simple answers. There’s nothing like a definition to help you understand. The acronym DNS stands for “Domain Name System”, which essentially represents the record fields in a […]